Source code for ikpdb

#! /usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf8

# This file is part of the IKPdb Debugger
# Copyright (c) 2016 by Cyril MORISSE, Audaxis
# Licence: MIT. See LICENCE at repository root

import socket
import sys
import os
import atexit
import signal
import json
import logging
import traceback
import types
import inspect
import threading
import Queue
import types
import argparse
import datetime
import cStringIO
import ctypes
import iksettrace
import cgi

# For now ikpdb is a singleton
ikpdb = None 
__version__ = "1.1"

# Logging System
# IKPdb has it's own logging system distinct from python logging to
# avoid collision when debugging programs which reconfigure logging
# system wide.
# logging is organized in domains (which corresponds to loggers)
# identified by one letter.
# IKPdb logs on these domains:
# letter: domain
# - n,N: Network 
# - b,B: Breakpoints 
# - e,E: Expression evaluation
# - x,X: Execution 
# - f,F: Frame 
# - g,G: Global debugger
# Logging support the same notion of level as python logging.
# Logging is invoked using this syntax:
# _logger.{{domain}}_{{level}}(*args)
# eg: _logger.x_debug("error in %s", the_error)
class ANSIColors(object):
    MAGENTA = '\033[95m'    
    BLUE = '\033[94m'       # debug
    GREEN = '\033[92m'      # info
    YELLOW = '\033[93m'     # warning
    RED = '\033[91m'        # error
    BOLD = '\033[1m'        # critical
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    ENDC = '\033[0m'

class IKPdbLoggerError(Exception):
class MetaIKPdbLogger(type):
    def __getattr__(cls, name):
        domain, level_name = name.split('_')
        level = IKPdbLogger.LEVELS.get(level_name, None)
        if domain not in IKPdbLogger.DOMAINS or not level:
            raise IKPdbLoggerError("'%s' is not valid logging domain and level combination !" % name)
        def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return cls._log(domain, level, *args, **kwargs)
        return wrapper

[docs]class IKPdbLogger(object): """ IKPdb implements it's own logging system to: - avoid problem while debugging programs that reconfigure logging system wide. - allow IKPdb debugging... """ __metaclass__ = MetaIKPdbLogger enabled = False TEMPLATES = [ "\033[1m[IKPdb-%s]\033[0m %s - \033[94mNOLOG\033[0m - %s", # nolog 0 "\033[1m[IKPdb-%s]\033[0m %s - \033[94mDEBUG\033[0m - %s", # debug 1 "\033[1m[IKPdb-%s]\033[0m %s - \033[92mINFO\033[0m - %s", # info 2 "\033[1m[IKPdb-%s]\033[0m %s - \033[93mWARNING\033[0m - %s", # warning 3 "\033[1m[IKPdb-%s]\033[0m %s - \033[91mERROR\033[0m - %s", # error 4 "\033[1m[IKPdb-%s]\033[0m %s - \033[91mCRITICAL\033[0m - %s", # critical 5 ] # Levels CRITICAL = 50 ERROR = 40 WARNING= 30 INFO = 20 DEBUG = 10 NOLOG= 0 # Levels by name LEVELS = { "critical": 50, "error": 40, "warning": 30, "info": 20, "debug": 10, "nolog": 0, } # Domains and domain's level DOMAINS = { "n": 20, "b": 20, "e": 20, "x": 20, "f": 20, "p": 20, "g": 20 } @classmethod
[docs] def setup(cls, ikpdb_log_arg): """ activates DEBUG logging level based on the `ikpdb_log_arg` parameter string. `ikpdb_log_arg` corresponds to the `--ikpdb-log` command line argument. `ikpdb_log_arg` is composed of a serie of letters that set the `DEBUG` logging level on the components of the debugger. Here are the letters and the component they activate `DEBUG` logging level on: - n,N: Network - b,B: Breakpoints - e,E: Expression evaluation - x,X: Execution - f,F: Frame - p,P: Path and python path manipulation - g,G: Global debugger By default logging is disabled for all components. Any `ikpdb_log_arg` value different from the letters above (eg: '9') activates `INFO` level logging on all domains. To log, use:: _logger.x_debug("useful information") Where: - `_logger` is a reference to the IKPdbLogger class - `x` is the `Execution` domain - `debug` is the logging level """ if not ikpdb_log_arg: return IKPdbLogger.enabled = True logging_configuration_string = ikpdb_log_arg.lower() for letter in logging_configuration_string: if letter in IKPdbLogger.DOMAINS: IKPdbLogger.DOMAINS[letter] = 10
@classmethod def _log(cls, domain, level, message, *args): ts ='%H:%M:%S,%f') if level >= IKPdbLogger.DOMAINS[domain]: try: string = message % args except: string = message+"".join(map(lambda e: str(e), args)) print >>sys.stderr, IKPdbLogger.TEMPLATES[level/10] % (domain, ts, string,)
_logger = IKPdbLogger ## # Network Manager # class IKPdbConnectionError(Exception): pass
[docs]class IKPdbConnectionHandler(object): """ IKPdbConnectionHandler manages a connection with a remote client once it is established. IKpdb and remote client exchanges messages having this structure: ``length={{integer length of json_message_body below}}{{MAGIC_CODE}}{{json_dump_of_message_body}}`` This class contains methods to receive, send and reply to such messages. """ MAGIC_CODE = "LLADpcdtbdpac" MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "length=%%s%s%%s" % MAGIC_CODE SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 # Maximum size of a packet received from client MSG_WAITALL = 0x100 # From Linux sys/socket.h def __init__(self, connection): self._connection = connection self._connection_lock = threading.Lock() self._received_data = '' self._network_loop = True def encode(self, obj): json_obj = json.dumps(obj) return self.MESSAGE_TEMPLATE % (len(json_obj), json_obj,) def decode(self, message): json_obj = message.split(self.MAGIC_CODE)[1] obj = json.loads(json_obj) return obj def log_sent(self, msg): _logger.n_debug("Sent %s bytes >>>%s<<<", len(msg), msg) def log_received(self, msg): _logger.n_debug("Received %s bytes >>>%s<<<", len(msg), msg)
[docs] def send(self, command, _id=None, result={}, frames=[], error_messages=[], warning_messages=[], info_messages=[], exception=None): """ Build a message from parameters and send it to debugger. :param command: The command sent to the debugger client. :type command: str :param _id: Unique id of the sent message. Right now, it's always `None` for messages by debugger to client. :type _id: int :param result: Used to send `exit_code` and updated `executionStatus` to debugger client. :type result: dict :param frames: contains the complete stack frames when debugger sends the `programBreak` message. :type frames: list :param error_messages: A list of error messages the debugger client must display to the user. :type error_messages: list of str :param warning_messages: A list of warning messages the debugger client must display to the user. :type warning_messages: list of str :param info_messages: A list of info messages the debugger client must display to the user. :type info_messages: list of str :param exception: If debugger encounter an exception, this dict contains 2 keys: `type` and `info` (the later is the message). :type exception: dict """ with self._connection_lock: msg = self.encode({ '_id': _id, 'command': command, 'result': result, 'commandExecStatus': 'ok', 'frames': frames, 'info_messages': info_messages, 'warning_messages': warning_messages, 'error_messages': error_messages, 'exception': exception }) if self._connection: send_bytes_count = self._connection.sendall(msg) self.log_sent(msg) return send_bytes_count raise IKPdbConnectionError("Connection lost!")
[docs] def reply(self, obj, result, command_exec_status='ok', info_messages=[], warning_messages=[], error_messages=[]): """Build a response from a previouslsy received command message, send it and return number of sent bytes. :param result: Used to send back the result of the command execution to the debugger client. :type result: dict See send() above for others parameters definition. """ with self._connection_lock: # TODO: add a parameter to remove args from messages ? if True: del obj['args'] obj['result'] = result obj['commandExecStatus'] = command_exec_status obj['info_messages'] = info_messages obj['warning_messages'] = warning_messages obj['error_messages'] = error_messages msg = self.encode(obj) send_bytes_count = self._connection.sendall(msg) self.log_sent(msg) return send_bytes_count
[docs] def receive(self): """Waits for a message from the debugger and returns it as a dict. """ # with self._connection_lock: while self._network_loop: _logger.n_debug("Enter socket.recv(%s) with self._received_data = %s", self.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE, self._received_data) try: data = self._connection.recv(self.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE) except socket.error as socket_err: return {'command': '_InternalQuit', 'args':{'socket_error_number': socket_err.errno, 'socket_error_str': socket_err.strerror}} _logger.n_debug("Socket.recv(%s) => %s", self.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE, data) self._received_data += data # have we received a MAGIC_CODE try: magic_code_idx = self._received_data.index(self.MAGIC_CODE) except ValueError: continue # Have we received a length= try: length_idx = self._received_data.index('length=') except ValueError: continue # extract length content from received data json_length = int(self._received_data[length_idx + 7:magic_code_idx]) message_length = magic_code_idx + len(self.MAGIC_CODE) + json_length if message_length <= len(self._received_data): full_message = self._received_data[:message_length] self._received_data = self._received_data[message_length:] if len(self._received_data) > 0: self.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 0 else: self.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 break else: self.SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE = message_length - len(self._received_data) self.log_received(full_message) obj = self.decode(full_message) return obj
## # Debugger #
[docs]class IKPdbQuit(Exception): """ A dummy Exception used by debugger to quit debugged program. """ pass
[docs]def IKPdbRepr(t): """ A function that returns a type representation suitable for debugger GUI. :param t: anyThing :return: a string representation of t's type Note: Type representation str format is not finalized... """ #if hasattr(t, '__class__'): # return t.__class__.__name__ #t_type = type(t) #return str(t_type).split(' ')[1][1:-2] return str(type(t))
[docs]class IKBreakpoint(object): """ IKBreakpoint implements and manages IKPdb Breakpoints. Basically a breakpoint is described by: - `number`: a uniq breakpoint number - `file_name`: using a canonical file path - `line_number`: 1 based - `condition`: an optional python expression used to trigger conditional breakpoints.Basically - `enabled`: a flag to enable / disable the breakpoint The debugger manages Breakpoints using 3 lists maintained by IKBreakpoint: - `breakpoints_files` contains all breakpoints line numbers indexed by file_name - `breakpoints_by_file_and_line` contains all breakpoints indexed by (file, line) - `breakpoints_by_number` is an indexed list of all breakpoints. This class also maintains a `any_active_breakpoint` boolean class attribute that is False when there is no active breakpoint. This flag is used to trigger `TURBO Mode`. :param file_name: a CANONICAL file name. :type file_name: str :param line_number: breakpoint's line number (1 based). :type line_number: int :param condition: an optional python expression used to trigger conditional breakpoints. :type condition: str :param enabled: a flag to enable / disable the breakpoint. :type enabled: bool """ breakpoints_files = {} #: list of lines indexed by canonical file names breakpoints_by_file_and_line = {} #: list of breakpoints indexed by (file_name, line) breakpoints_by_number = [] #: list of breakpoints indexed by number. next_breakpoint_number = 0 #: Used to allocate next breakpoint number. any_active_breakpoint = False #: False when there is no active breakpoint. def __init__(self, file_name, line_number, condition=None, enabled=True): self.file_name = file_name # In canonical form! self.line_number = line_number self.condition = condition self.enabled = enabled # Allocate number self.number = IKBreakpoint.next_breakpoint_number IKBreakpoint.next_breakpoint_number += 1 # update all lists IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number.append(self) IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_file_and_line[file_name, line_number] = self IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files[file_name] = \ IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files.get(file_name, [])+[line_number] if enabled: IKBreakpoint.any_active_breakpoint = True
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear a breakpoint by removing it from all lists. """ del IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_file_and_line[self.file_name, self.line_number] IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number[self.number] = None IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files[self.file_name].remove(self.line_number) if len(IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files[self.file_name]) == 0: del IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files[self.file_name] IKBreakpoint.update_active_breakpoint_flag()
[docs] def update_active_breakpoint_flag(cls): """ Checks all breakpoints to find wether at least one is active and update `any_active_breakpoint` accordingly. """ cls.any_active_breakpoint=any([bp.enabled for bp in cls.breakpoints_by_number if bp])
[docs] def lookup_effective_breakpoint(cls, file_name, line_number, frame): """ Checks if there is an enabled breakpoint at given file_name and line_number. Check breakpoint condition if any. :return: found, enabled and condition verified breakpoint or None :rtype: IKPdbBreakpoint or None """ bp = cls.breakpoints_by_file_and_line.get((file_name, line_number), None) if not bp: return None if not bp.enabled: return None if not bp.condition: return bp try: value = eval(bp.condition, frame.f_globals, frame.f_locals) return bp if value else None except: pass return None
[docs] def get_breakpoints_list(cls): """:return: a list of all breakpoints. :rtype: a list of dict with this keys: `breakpoint_number`, `bp.number`, `file_name`, `line_number`, `condition`, `enabled`. Warning: IKPDb line numbers are 1 based so line number conversion must be done by clients (eg. inouk.ikpdb for Cloud9) """ breakpoints_list = [] for bp in cls.breakpoints_by_number: if bp: # breakpoint #0 exists and is always None bp_dict = { 'breakpoint_number': bp.number, 'file_name': bp.file_name, 'line_number': bp.line_number, 'condition': bp.condition, 'enabled': bp.enabled, } breakpoints_list.append(bp_dict) return breakpoints_list
[docs] def disable_all_breakpoints(cls): """ Disable all breakpoints and udate `active_breakpoint_flag`. """ for bp in cls.breakpoints_by_number: if bp: # breakpoint #0 exists and is always None bp.enabled = False cls.update_active_breakpoint_flag() return
[docs] def backup_breakpoints_state(cls): """ Returns the state of all breakpoints in a list that can be used later to restore all breakpoints state""" all_breakpoints_state = [] for bp in cls.breakpoints_by_number: if bp: all_breakpoints_state.append((bp.number, bp.enabled, bp.condition,)) return all_breakpoints_state
[docs] def restore_breakpoints_state(cls, breakpoints_state_list): """Restore the state of breakpoints given a list provided by backup_breakpoints_state(). If list of breakpoint has changed since backup missing or added breakpoints are ignored. breakpoints_state_list is a list of tuple. Each tuple is of form: (breakpoint_number, enabled, condition) """ for breakpoint_state in breakpoints_state_list: bp = cls.breakpoints_by_number[breakpoint_state[0]] if bp: bp.enabled = breakpoint_state[1] bp.condition = breakpoint_state[2] cls.update_active_breakpoint_flag() return
[docs]class IKPdb(object): """ Main debugger class. :param skip: reserved for future use :param working_directory: allows to force debugger's Current Working Directory (CWD). `working_directory` is used for file mapping between IKPdb and clients. `working_directory` is concatenated with file path exchanged with debugger's client to get absolute file's paths. :type working_directory: str :param stop_at_first_statement: defines wether debugger must break at first statement. None don't break, else break. :type stop_at_first_statement: str Take note that, right now, IKPdb is used as singleton. """ def __init__(self, skip=None, stop_at_first_statement=False, working_directory=None, client_working_directory=None): # TODO: manage skip self.skip = set(skip) if skip else None self.debugger_thread_ident = None self.file_name_cache = {} self._CWD = working_directory or os.getcwd() self._CLIENT_CWD = client_working_directory or '' self.mainpyfile = '' self._active_breakpoint_lock = threading.Lock() self._active_thread_lock = threading.Lock() self._resume_command_q = Queue.Queue(maxsize=1) # tracing is disabled until required self.execution_started = False self.tracing_enabled = False # stop management self.pending_stop = False # True if any of frame_xxxx is set self.frame_stop = None # stepOver and stepInto self.frame_calling = None # stepInto self.frame_return = None # stepOut and stepOver self.frame_suspend = False # If true, debugger will stop at next frame # last frame to dump ; allows to dump only debugged program frames self.frame_beginning = None # If True, debugger breaks on first line to allow user to setup # some breakpoints. self.stop_at_first_statement = True if stop_at_first_statement else False # Some parameters that may need to become cli options self.CGI_ESCAPE_EVALUATE_OUTPUT = True
[docs] def canonic(self, file_name): """ returns canonical version of a file name. A canonical file name is an absolute, lowercase normalized path to a given file. """ if file_name == "<" + file_name[1:-1] + ">": return file_name c_file_name = self.file_name_cache.get(file_name) if not c_file_name: c_file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name) c_file_name = os.path.normcase(c_file_name) self.file_name_cache[file_name] = c_file_name return c_file_name
[docs] def normalize_path_in(self, client_file_name): """Translate a (possibly incomplete) file or module name received from debugging client into an absolute file name. """ _logger.p_debug("normalize_path_in(%s) with os.getcwd()=>%s", client_file_name, os.getcwd()) # remove client CWD from file_path if client_file_name.startswith(self._CLIENT_CWD): file_name = client_file_name[len(self._CLIENT_CWD):] else: file_name = client_file_name if os.path.isabs(file_name) and os.path.exists(file_name): _logger.p_debug(" => found absolute path: '%s'", file_name) return file_name # Can we find the file relatively to launch CWD (useful with buildout) f = os.path.join(self._CWD, file_name) if os.path.exists(f): _logger.p_debug(" => found path relative to self._CWD: '%s'", f) return f # Can we find file relatively to launch script f = os.path.join(sys.path[0], file_name) if os.path.exists(f) and self.canonic(f) == self.mainpyfile: _logger.p_debug(" => found path relative to launch script: '%s'", f) return f # Try as an absolute path after adding .py extension root, ext = os.path.splitext(file_name) if ext == '': f = file_name + '.py' if os.path.isabs(f): _logger.p_debug(" => found absolute path after adding .py extension: '%s'", f) return f # Can we find the file in system path for dir_name in sys.path: while os.path.islink(dir_name): dir_name = os.readlink(dir_name) f = os.path.join(dir_name, file_name) if os.path.exists(f): _logger.p_debug(" => found path in sys.path: '%s'", f) return f return None
[docs] def normalize_path_out(self, path): """Normalizes path sent to client :param path: path to normalize :return: normalized path """ if path.startswith(self._CWD): normalized_path = path[len(self._CWD):] else: normalized_path = path # For remote debugging preprend client CWD if self._CLIENT_CWD: normalized_path = os.path.join(self._CLIENT_CWD, normalized_path) _logger.p_debug("normalize_path_out('%s') => %s", path, normalized_path) return normalized_path
[docs] def object_properties_count(self, o): """ returns the number of user browsable properties of an object. """ o_type = type(o) if isinstance(o, (types.DictType, types.ListType, types.TupleType, set,)): return len(o) elif isinstance(o, (types.NoneType, types.BooleanType, types.FloatType, types.UnicodeType, types.FloatType, types.IntType, types.StringType, types.LongType, types.ModuleType, types.MethodType, types.FunctionType,)): return 0 else: # Following lines are used to debug variables members browsing # and counting # if False and str(o_type) == "<class 'socket._socketobject'>": # print "@378" # print dir(o) # print "hasattr(o, '__dict__')=%s" % hasattr(o,'__dict__') # count = 0 # if hasattr(o, '__dict__'): # for m_name, m_value in o.__dict__.iteritems(): # if m_name.startswith('__'): # print " %s=>False" % (m_name,) # continue # if type(m_value) in (types.ModuleType, types.MethodType, types.FunctionType,): # print " %s=>False" % (m_name,) # continue # print " %s=>True" % (m_name,) # count +=1 # print " %s => %s = %s" % (o, count, dir(o),) # else: if hasattr(o, '__dict__'): count = len([m_name for m_name, m_value in o.__dict__.iteritems() if not m_name.startswith('__') and not type(m_value) in (types.ModuleType, types.MethodType, types.FunctionType,) ]) else: count = 0 return count
[docs] def extract_object_properties(self, o, limit_size=False): """Extracts all properties from an object (eg. f_locals, f_globals, user dict, instance ...) and returns them as an array of variables. """ _logger.e_debug("extract_object_properties(%s)", repr(o)[:512]) var_list = [] if isinstance(o, types.DictType): a_var_name = None a_var_value = None for a_var_name in o: a_var_value = o[a_var_name] children_count = self.object_properties_count(a_var_value) v_name, v_value, v_type = self.extract_name_value_type(a_var_name, a_var_value, limit_size=limit_size) a_var_info = { 'id': id(a_var_value), 'name': v_name, 'type': "%s%s" % (v_type, " [%s]" % children_count if children_count else '',), 'value': v_value, 'children_count': children_count, } var_list.append(a_var_info) elif type(o) in (types.ListType, types.TupleType, set,): MAX_CHILDREN_TO_RETURN = 256 MAX_CHILDREN_MESSAGE = "Truncated by ikpdb (don't hot change me !)." a_var_name = None a_var_value = None do_truncate = len(o) > MAX_CHILDREN_TO_RETURN for idx, a_var_value in enumerate(o): children_count = self.object_properties_count(a_var_value) v_name, v_value, v_type = self.extract_name_value_type(idx, a_var_value, limit_size=limit_size) var_list.append({ 'id': id(a_var_value), 'name': v_name, 'type': "%s%s" % (v_type, " [%s]" % children_count if children_count else '',), 'value': v_value, 'children_count': children_count, }) if do_truncate and idx==MAX_CHILDREN_TO_RETURN-1: var_list.append({ 'id': None, 'name': str(MAX_CHILDREN_TO_RETURN), 'type': '', 'value': MAX_CHILDREN_MESSAGE, 'children_count': 0, }) break else: a_var_name = None a_var_value = None if hasattr(o, '__dict__'): for a_var_name, a_var_value in o.__dict__.iteritems(): if (not a_var_name.startswith('__') and not type(a_var_value) in (types.ModuleType, types.MethodType, types.FunctionType,)): children_count = self.object_properties_count(a_var_value) v_name, v_value, v_type = self.extract_name_value_type(a_var_name, a_var_value, limit_size=limit_size) var_list.append({ 'id': id(a_var_value), 'name': v_name, 'type': "%s%s" % (v_type, " [%s]" % children_count if children_count else '',), 'value': v_value, 'children_count': children_count, }) return var_list
[docs] def extract_name_value_type(self, name, value, limit_size=False): """Extracts value of any object, eventually reduces it's size and returns name, truncated value and type (for str with size appended) """ MAX_STRING_LEN_TO_RETURN = 487 t_value = repr(value) r_value = "%s ... (truncated by ikpdb)" % (t_value[:MAX_STRING_LEN_TO_RETURN],) if len(t_value) > MAX_STRING_LEN_TO_RETURN else t_value if isinstance(name, types.StringType): r_name = name else: r_name = repr(name) if isinstance(value, types.StringType): r_type = "%s [%s]" % (IKPdbRepr(value), len(value),) else: r_type = IKPdbRepr(value) return r_name, r_value, r_type
[docs] def dump_frames(self, frame): """ dumps frames chain in a representation suitable for serialization and remote (debugger) client usage. """ current_tread = threading.currentThread() frames = [] frame_browser = frame # Browse the frame chain as far as we can _logger.f_debug("dump_frames(), frame analysis:") spacer = "" while hasattr(frame_browser, 'f_back') and frame_browser.f_back != self.frame_beginning: spacer += "=" _logger.f_debug("%s>frame = %s, frame.f_code = %s, frame.f_back = %s, " "self.frame_beginning = %s", spacer, hex(id(frame_browser)), frame_browser.f_code, hex(id(frame_browser.f_back)), hex(id(self.frame_beginning))) # Update local variables (User can use watch expressions for globals) locals_vars_list = self.extract_object_properties(frame_browser.f_locals, limit_size=True) # normalize path sent to debugging client file_path = self.normalize_path_out(frame_browser.f_code.co_filename) frame_name = "%s() [%s]" % (frame_browser.f_code.co_name,,) remote_frame = { 'id': id(frame_browser), 'name': frame_name, 'line_number': frame_browser.f_lineno, # Warning 1 based 'file_path': file_path, 'thread': id(current_tread), 'f_locals': locals_vars_list } frames.append(remote_frame) frame_browser = frame_browser.f_back return frames
[docs] def evaluate(self, frame_id, expression, global_context=False, disable_break=False): """Evaluates 'expression' in the context of the frame identified by 'frame_id' or globally. Breakpoints are disabled depending on 'disable_break' value. Returns a tuple of value and type both as str. Note that - depending on the CGI_ESCAPE_EVALUATE_OUTPUT attribute - value is escaped. """ if disable_break: breakpoints_backup = IKBreakpoint.backup_breakpoints_state() IKBreakpoint.disable_all_breakpoints() if frame_id and not global_context: eval_frame = ctypes.cast(frame_id, ctypes.py_object).value global_vars = eval_frame.f_globals local_vars = eval_frame.f_locals else: global_vars = None local_vars = None try: result = eval(expression, global_vars, local_vars) result_type = IKPdbRepr(result) result_value = repr(result) except SyntaxError: try: # From: sys_stdout = sys.stdout eval_stdout = cStringIO.StringIO() sys.stdout = eval_stdout exec(expression, global_vars, local_vars) sys.stdout = sys_stdout result_value = "<plaintext>%s" % eval_stdout.getvalue() result_type = "str" result = result_value except Exception as e: t, result = sys.exc_info()[:2] if isinstance(t, str): result_type = t else: result_type = str(t.__name__) result_value = "%s: %s" % (result_type, result,) except: t, result = sys.exc_info()[:2] if isinstance(t, str): result_type = t else: result_type = t.__name__ result_value = "%s: %s" % (result_type, result,) if disable_break: IKBreakpoint.restore_breakpoints_state(breakpoints_backup) _logger.e_debug("evaluate(%s) => result_value=%s, result_type=%s, result=%s", expression, result_value, result_type, result) if self.CGI_ESCAPE_EVALUATE_OUTPUT and not result_value.startswith('<plaintext>'): result_value = cgi.escape(result_value) # We must check that result is json.dump compatible so that it can be sent back to client. try: json.dumps(result_value) except: t, result = sys.exc_info()[:2] if isinstance(t, str): result_type = t else: result_type = t.__name__ result_value = "<plaintext>%s: IKPdb is unable to JSON encode result to send it to "\ "debugging client.\n"\ " This typically occurs if you try to print a string that cannot be"\ " decoded to 'UTF-8'.\n"\ " You should be able to evaluate result and inspect it's content"\ " by removing the print statement." % result_type return result_value, result_type
[docs] def let_variable(self, frame_id, var_name, expression_value): """ Let a frame's var with a value by building then eval a let expression with breakoints disabled. """ breakpoints_backup = IKBreakpoint.backup_breakpoints_state() IKBreakpoint.disable_all_breakpoints() let_expression = "%s=%s" % (var_name, expression_value,) eval_frame = ctypes.cast(frame_id, ctypes.py_object).value global_vars = eval_frame.f_globals local_vars = eval_frame.f_locals try: exec(let_expression, global_vars, local_vars) error_message="" except Exception as e: t, result = sys.exc_info()[:2] if isinstance(t, str): result_type = t else: result_type = str(t.__name__) error_message = "%s: %s" % (result_type, result,) IKBreakpoint.restore_breakpoints_state(breakpoints_backup) _logger.e_debug("let_variable(%s) => %s", let_expression, error_message or 'succeed') return error_message
[docs] def setup_step_over(self, frame): """Setup debugger for a "stepOver" """ self.frame_calling = None self.frame_stop = frame self.frame_return = frame.f_back self.frame_suspend = False self.pending_stop = True return
[docs] def setup_step_into(self, frame, pure=False): """Setup debugger for a "stepInto" """ self.frame_calling = frame if pure: self.frame_stop = None else: self.frame_stop = frame self.frame_return = None self.frame_suspend = False self.pending_stop = True return
[docs] def setup_step_out(self, frame): """Setup debugger for a "stepOut" """ self.frame_calling = None self.frame_stop = None self.frame_return = frame.f_back self.frame_suspend = False self.pending_stop = True return
[docs] def setup_suspend(self): """Setup debugger to "suspend" execution """ self.frame_calling = None self.frame_stop = None self.frame_return = None self.frame_suspend = True self.pending_stop = True self.enable_tracing() return
[docs] def setup_resume(self): """ Setup debugger to "resume" execution """ self.frame_calling = None self.frame_stop = None self.frame_return = None self.frame_suspend = False self.pending_stop = False if not IKBreakpoint.any_active_breakpoint: self.disable_tracing() return
[docs] def reset(self): """ Resets debugger status and set it to run. """ import linecache linecache.checkcache() self.frame_beginning = None self.setup_resume()
[docs] def should_stop_here(self, frame): """ Called by dispatch function to check wether debugger must stop at this frame. Note that we test 'step into' first to give a chance to 'stepOver' in case user click on 'stepInto' on a 'no call' line. """ # TODO: Optimization => defines a set of modules / names where _tracer # is never registered. This will replace skip #if self.skip and self.is_skipped_module(frame.f_globals.get('__name__')): # return False # step into if self.frame_calling and self.frame_calling==frame.f_back: return True # step over if frame==self.frame_stop: # frame cannot be null return True # step out if frame==self.frame_return: # frame cannot be null return True # suspend if self.frame_suspend: return True return False
[docs] def should_break_here(self, frame): """ Check if there is a breakpoint at this frame or not. """ #_logger.b_debug("should_break_here(filename=%s, lineno=%s) with breaks=%s", # frame.f_code.co_filename, # frame.f_lineno, # IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number) c_file_name = self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename) if not c_file_name in IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files: return False bp = IKBreakpoint.lookup_effective_breakpoint(c_file_name, frame.f_lineno, frame) return True if bp else False
def _line_tracer(self, frame, exc_info=False): """This function is called when debugger has decided that we must stop or break at this frame.""" # next logging statement commented for performance _logger.f_debug("user_line() with " "threadName=%s, frame=%s, frame.f_code=%s, self.mainpyfile=%s," "self.should_break_here()=%s, self.should_stop_here()=%s\n", threading.currentThread().name, hex(id(frame)), frame.f_code, self.mainpyfile, self.should_break_here(frame), self.should_stop_here(frame)) # Acquire Breakpoint Lock before sending break command to remote client self._active_breakpoint_lock.acquire() frames = self.dump_frames(frame) exception=None warning_messages = [] if exc_info: exception = { 'type': IKPdbRepr(exc_info[1]), 'info': str(exc_info[1].message) } if self.stop_at_first_statement: warning_messages = ["IKPdb stopped so that you can setup some " "breakpoints before 'Resuming' execution."] self.stop_at_first_statement = False remote_client.send('programBreak', frames=frames, result={'executionStatus': 'stopped'}, warning_messages=warning_messages, exception=exception) # Waits for command to resume among: # - resume # - step over # - step into # - step out # then resume execution resume_command = self._resume_command_q.get() if resume_command == 'resume': self.setup_resume() elif resume_command == 'stepOver': self.setup_step_over(frame) elif resume_command == 'stepInto': self.setup_step_into(frame) elif resume_command == 'stepOut': self.setup_step_out(frame) else: _logger.x_critical("Unknown resume command: %s" % resume_command) raise IKPdbQuit() self._active_breakpoint_lock.release() return def _tracer(self, frame, event, arg): if event == 'line': # For the sake of performande, we inline following code in # this method. # Code of these methods is still there for reference. # #if self.should_stop_here(frame) or self.should_break_here(frame): # self._line_tracer(frame) # return self._tracer # should_stop_here() inlined version if self.pending_stop and ( (self.frame_calling and self.frame_calling==frame.f_back) or frame==self.frame_stop or frame==self.frame_return or self.frame_suspend or self.should_break_here(frame)): self._line_tracer(frame) # self.should_break_here() inlined version c_file_name = self.canonic(frame.f_code.co_filename) # TODO inline this too !!! if c_file_name in IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files: if IKBreakpoint.lookup_effective_breakpoint(c_file_name, frame.f_lineno, frame): self._line_tracer(frame) return self._tracer if event == 'call': if self.frame_beginning is None: # As this is First call of dispatch since reset() we setup # frame_beginning self.frame_beginning = frame.f_back # limited tracing of current thread has been enabled in _runscript # to allow self.frame_beginning to be set. That's done ! # # Now depending on pending_stop and stop_at_first_statement # we enable full tracing or disable it completely by removing # the tracer. if self.stop_at_first_statement: self.setup_step_into(frame, pure=True) if self.pending_stop or IKBreakpoint.any_active_breakpoint: self.enable_tracing() else: sys.settrace(None) # we remove limited tracing return self._tracer # Note that event = 'return', returned value is ignored # TODO: Use event = 'exception' to trace exception return self._tracer
[docs] def dump_tracing_state(self, context): """ A debug tool to dump all threads tracing state """ print "Dumping all threads Tracing state: (%s)" % context print " self.tracing_enabled=%s" % self.tracing_enabled print " self.execution_started=%s" % self.execution_started print " self.frame_beginning=%s" % self.frame_beginning print " self.debugger_thread_ident=%s" % self.debugger_thread_ident for thr in threading.enumerate(): is_current_thread = thr.ident == threading.current_thread().ident print " Thread: %s, %s %s" % (, thr.ident, "<= Current*" if is_current_thread else '') a_frame = sys._current_frames()[thr.ident] while a_frame: flags = [] if a_frame == self.frame_beginning: flags.append("beginning") if a_frame == inspect.currentframe(): flags.append("current") if flags: flags_str = "**"+",".join(flags) else: flags_str = "" print " => %s, %s:%s(%s) | %s %s" % (a_frame, a_frame.f_code.co_filename, a_frame.f_lineno, a_frame.f_code.co_name, a_frame.f_trace, flags_str) a_frame = a_frame.f_back
[docs] def enable_tracing(self): """ Enable tracing if it is disabled and debugged program is running, else do nothing. Do this on all threads but the debugger thread. :return: True if tracing has been enabled, False else. """ _logger.x_debug("enable_tracing()") #self.dump_tracing_state("before enable_tracing()") if not self.tracing_enabled and self.execution_started: # Restore or set trace function on all existing frames appart from # debugger threading.settrace(self._tracer) # then enable on all threads to come for thr in threading.enumerate(): if thr.ident != self.debugger_thread_ident: # skip debugger thread a_frame = sys._current_frames()[thr.ident] while a_frame: a_frame.f_trace = self._tracer a_frame = a_frame.f_back iksettrace._set_trace_on(self._tracer, self.debugger_thread_ident) self.tracing_enabled = True #self.dump_tracing_state("after enable_tracing()") return self.tracing_enabled
[docs] def disable_tracing(self): """ Disable tracing if it is disabled and debugged program is running, else do nothing. Do this on all threads but the debugger thread. :return: False if tracing has disabled, False else. """ _logger.x_debug("disable_tracing()") #self.dump_tracing_state("before disable_tracing()") if self.tracing_enabled and self.execution_started: threading.settrace(None) # don't trace threads to come iksettrace._set_trace_off() self.tracing_enabled = False #self.dump_tracing_state("after disable_tracing()") return self.tracing_enabled
[docs] def set_breakpoint(self, file_name, line_number, condition=None, enabled=True): """ Create a breakpoint, register it in the class's lists and returns a tuple of (error_message, break_number) """ c_file_name = self.canonic(file_name) import linecache line = linecache.getline(c_file_name, line_number) if not line: return "Line %s:%d does not exist." % (c_file_name, line_number), None bp = IKBreakpoint(c_file_name, line_number, condition, enabled) if self.pending_stop or IKBreakpoint.any_active_breakpoint: self.enable_tracing() else: self.disable_tracing() return None, bp.number
[docs] def change_breakpoint_state(self, bp_number, enabled, condition=None): """ Change breakpoint status or `condition` expression. :param bp_number: number of breakpoint to change :return: None or an error message (string) """ if not (0 <= bp_number < len(IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number)): return "Found no breakpoint numbered: %s" % bp_number bp = IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number[bp_number] if not bp: return "Found no breakpoint numbered %s" % bp_number _logger.b_debug(" change_breakpoint_state(bp_number=%s, enabled=%s, " "condition=%s) found %s", bp_number, enabled, repr(condition), bp) bp.enabled = enabled bp.condition = condition # update condition for conditional breakpoints IKBreakpoint.update_active_breakpoint_flag() # force flag refresh if self.pending_stop or IKBreakpoint.any_active_breakpoint: self.enable_tracing() else: self.disable_tracing() return None
[docs] def clear_breakpoint(self, breakpoint_number): """ Delete a breakpoint identified by it's number. :param breakpoint_number: index of breakpoint to delete :type breakpoint_number: int :return: an error message or None """ if not (0 <= breakpoint_number < len(IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number)): return "Found no breakpoint numbered %s" % breakpoint_number bp = IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number[breakpoint_number] if not bp: return "Found no breakpoint numbered: %s" % breakpoint_number _logger.b_debug(" clear_breakpoint(breakpoint_number=%s) found: %s", breakpoint_number, bp) bp.clear() if self.pending_stop or IKBreakpoint.any_active_breakpoint: self.enable_tracing() else: self.disable_tracing() return None
def _runscript(self, filename): """ Launchs debugged program execution using the execfile() builtin. We reset and setup the __main__ dict to allow the script to run in __main__ namespace. This is required for imports from __main__ to run correctly. Note that this has the effect to wipe IKPdb's vars created at this point. """ import __main__ __main__.__dict__.clear() __main__.__dict__.update({"__name__" : "__main__", "__file__" : filename, "__builtins__": __builtins__,}) self.mainpyfile = self.canonic(filename) statement = 'execfile(%r)\n' % filename globals = __main__.__dict__ locals = globals # When IKPdb sets tracing, a number of call and line events happens # BEFORE debugger even reaches user's code (and the exact sequence of # events depends on python version). So we take special measures to # avoid stopping before we reach the main script (see reset(), # _tracer() and _line_tracer() methods for details). self.reset() self.execution_started = True # Turn on limited tracing by setting trace function for # current_thread only. This allow self.frame_beginning to be set at # first tracer "call" invocation. sys.settrace(self._tracer) try: exec(statement, globals, locals) except IKPdbQuit: pass finally: self.disable_tracing()
[docs] def command_loop(self, run_script_event): """ return 1 to exit command_loop and resume execution """ while True: obj = remote_client.receive() command = obj["command"] # TODO: ensure we always have a command if receive returns args = obj.get('args', {}) if command == 'getBreakpoints': breakpoints_list = IKBreakpoint.get_breakpoints_list() remote_client.reply(obj, breakpoints_list) _logger.b_debug("getBreakpoints(%s) => %s", args, breakpoints_list) elif command == "setBreakpoint": # Set a new breakpoint. If the lineno line doesn't exist for the # filename passed as argument, return an error message. € # The filename should be in canonical form, as described in the # canonic() method. file_name = args['file_name'] line_number = args['line_number'] condition = args.get('condition', '') enabled = args.get('enabled', True) _logger.b_debug("setBreakpoint(file_name=%s, line_number=%s," " condition=%s, enabled=%s) with CWD=%s", file_name, line_number, condition, enabled, os.getcwd()) error_messages = [] result = {} c_file_name = self.normalize_path_in(file_name) if not c_file_name: err = "Failed to find file '%s'" % file_name _logger.g_error("setBreakpoint error: %s", err) msg = "IKPdb error: Failed to set a breakpoint at %s:%s "\ "(%s)." % (file_name, line_number, err) error_messages = [msg] command_exec_status = 'error' else: err, bp_number = self.set_breakpoint(c_file_name, line_number, condition=condition, enabled=enabled) if err: _logger.g_error("setBreakpoint error: %s", err) msg = "IKPdb error: Failed to set a breakpoint at %s:%s "\ "(%s)." % (file_name, line_number, err,) error_messages = [msg] command_exec_status = 'error' else: result = {'breakpoint_number': bp_number} command_exec_status = 'ok' remote_client.reply(obj, result, command_exec_status=command_exec_status, error_messages=error_messages) elif command == "changeBreakpointState": # Allows to: # - activate or deactivate breakpoint # - set or remove condition _logger.b_debug("changeBreakpointState(%s)", args) bp_number = args.get('breakpoint_number', None) if bp_number is None: result = {} msg = "changeBreakpointState() error: missing required " \ "breakpointNumber parameter." _logger.g_error(" "+msg) error_messages = [msg] command_exec_status = 'error' else: err = self.change_breakpoint_state(bp_number, args.get('enabled', False), condition=args.get('condition', '')) result = {} error_messages = [] if err: msg = "changeBreakpointState() error: \"%s\"" % err _logger.g_error(" "+msg) error_messages = [msg] command_exec_status = 'error' else: command_exec_status = 'ok' remote_client.reply(obj, result, command_exec_status=command_exec_status, error_messages=error_messages) _logger.b_debug(" command_exec_status => %s", command_exec_status) elif command == "clearBreakpoint": _logger.b_debug("clearBreakpoint(%s)", args) bp_number = args.get('breakpoint_number', None) if bp_number is None: result = {} msg = "IKPdb error: Failed to delete breakpoint (Missing "\ "required breakpointNumber parameter)." error_messages = [msg] command_exec_status = 'error' else: err = self.clear_breakpoint(args['breakpoint_number']) result = {} error_messages = [] if err: msg = "IKPdb error: Failed to delete breakpoint (%s)." % err _logger.g_error(msg) error_messages = [msg] command_exec_status = 'error' else: command_exec_status = 'ok' remote_client.reply(obj, result, command_exec_status=command_exec_status, error_messages=error_messages) elif command == "getProperties": _logger.e_debug("getProperties(%s)", args) error_messages = [] if args.get('id', False): po_value = ctypes.cast(args['id'], ctypes.py_object).value result={'properties': self.extract_object_properties(po_value) or []} command_exec_status = 'ok' else: result={'properties': self.extract_object_properties(None) or []} command_exec_status = 'ok' _logger.e_debug(" => %s", result) remote_client.reply(obj, result, command_exec_status=command_exec_status, error_messages=error_messages) elif command == "setVariable": _logger.e_debug("setVariable(%s)", args) error_messages = [] result = {} command_exec_status = 'ok' err_message = self.let_variable(args['frame'], args['name'], args['value']) if err_message: command_exec_status = 'error' msg = "setVariable(%s=%s) failed with error: %s" % (args['name'], args['value'], err_message) error_messages = [msg] _logger.e_error(msg) remote_client.reply(obj, result, command_exec_status=command_exec_status, error_messages=error_messages) elif command == 'runScript': _logger.x_debug("runScript(%s)", args) #TODO: handle a 'stopAtEntry' arg run_script_event.set() remote_client.reply(obj, {'executionStatus': 'running'}) elif command == 'suspend': _logger.x_debug("suspend(%s)", args) self.setup_suspend() # We return a running status which is True at that point. Next # programBreak will change status to 'stopped' remote_client.reply(obj, {'executionStatus': 'running'}) elif command == 'resume': _logger.x_debug("resume(%s)", args) remote_client.reply(obj, {'executionStatus': 'running'}) self._resume_command_q.put('resume') #return 1 elif command == 'stepOver': # <=> Pdb n(ext) _logger.x_debug("stepOver(%s)", args) remote_client.reply(obj, {'executionStatus': 'running'}) self._resume_command_q.put('stepOver') elif command == 'stepInto': # <=> Pdb s(tep) _logger.x_debug("stepInto(%s)", args) remote_client.reply(obj, {'executionStatus': 'running'}) self._resume_command_q.put('stepInto') elif command == 'stepOut': # <=> Pdb r(eturn) _logger.x_debug("stepOut(%s)", args) remote_client.reply(obj, {'executionStatus': 'running'}) self._resume_command_q.put('stepOut') elif command == 'evaluate': _logger.e_debug("evaluate(%s)", args) value, result_type = self.evaluate(args['frame'], args['expression'], args['global'], disable_break=args['disableBreak']) remote_client.reply(obj, {'value': value, 'type': result_type}) elif command == '_InternalQuit': # '_InternalQuit' is an IKPdb internal message, generated by # IKPdbConnectionHandler when a socket.error occured. # Usually this occurs when socket has been destroyed as # debugged program sys.exit() # So we leave the command loop to stop the debugger thread # in order to allow debugged program to shutdown correctly. # This message must NEVER be send by remote client. _logger.e_debug("_InternalQuit(%s)", args) return else: # unrecognized command ; just log and ignored _logger.g_critical("Unsupported command '%s' ignored.", command) if IKPdbLogger.enabled: _logger.b_debug("Current breakpoints list [any_active_breakpoint=%s]:", IKBreakpoint.any_active_breakpoint) _logger.b_debug(" IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_file_and_line:") if not IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_file_and_line: _logger.b_debug(" <empty>") for file_line, bp in IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_file_and_line.items(): _logger.b_debug(" %s => #%s, enabled=%s, condition=%s, %s", file_line, bp.number, bp.enabled, repr(bp.condition), bp) _logger.b_debug(" IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files = %s", IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_files) _logger.b_debug(" IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number = %s", IKBreakpoint.breakpoints_by_number)
[docs]def set_trace(a_frame=None): """ Breaks on the line that invoked this function or at given frame. User can then resume execution. To call set_trace() use: .. code-block:: python import ikpdb ; ikpdb.set_trace() :param a_frame: The frame at which to break on. :type a_frame: frame :return: An error message or None is everything went fine. :rtype: str or None """ if not ikpdb: return "Error: IKPdb must be launched before calling ikpd.set_trace()." if a_frame is None: a_frame = sys._getframe().f_back ikpdb._line_tracer(a_frame) return None
[docs]def post_mortem(trace_back=None, exc_info=None): """ Breaks on a traceback and send all execution information to the debugger client. If the interpreter is handling an exception at this traceback, exception information is sent to _line_tracer() which will transmit it to the debugging client. Caller can also pass an *exc_info* that will be used to extract exception information. If passed exc_info has precedence over traceback. This method is useful for integrating with systems that manage exceptions. Using it, you can setup a developer mode where unhandled exceptions are sent to the developer. Once user resumes execution, control is returned to caller. IKPdb is just used to "pretty" display the execution environement. To call post_mortem() use: .. code-block:: python import ikpdb ... ikpdb.postmortem(any_traceback) :param trace_back: The traceback at which to break on. :type trace_back: traceback :param exc_info: Complete description of the raised Exception as returned by sys.exc_info. :type exc_info: tuple :return: An error message or None is everything went fine. :rtype: str or None """ if not ikpdb: return "Error: IKPdb must be launched before calling ikpd.post_mortem()." if exc_info: trace_back = exc_info[2] elif trace_back and not exc_info: if sys.exc_info()[2] == trace_back: exc_info = sys.exc_info() else: return "missing parameter trace_back or exc_info" pm_traceback = trace_back while pm_traceback.tb_next: pm_traceback = pm_traceback.tb_next ikpdb._line_tracer(pm_traceback.tb_frame, exc_info=exc_info) _logger.g_info("Post mortem processing finished.") return None
## # Signal Handler to properly close socket connection # SIGNALS_DICT = dict((k, v) for v, k in reversed(sorted(signal.__dict__.items())) if v.startswith('SIG') and not v.startswith('SIG_')) def close_connection(): try: if client_connection: _logger.g_debug("Closing open connection...") # Cf. client_connection.shutdown(socket.SHUT_RDWR) client_connection.close() _logger.g_debug("Connection closed...") except NameError: pass # On SIGINT, SIGTERM shutdown socket and close connection # (SIGKILL cannot be caught) def signal_handler(signal, frame): print "%s received" % SIGNALS_DICT[signal] close_connection() # Cf. sys.exit(128+signal) ## # main #
[docs]def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="IKPdb %s - Inouk Python Debugger for CPython 2.7" % __version__, epilog="Copyright (c) 2016, 2017 by Cyril MORISSE, Audaxis") parser.add_argument("-ik_a","--ikpdb-address", default='', dest="IKPDB_ADDRESS", help="Network address on which debugger runs.") parser.add_argument("-ik_p","--ikpdb-port", type=int, default=15470, dest="IKPDB_PORT", help="Network port on which debugger runs.") parser.add_argument("-ik_l", "--ikpdb-log", dest="IKPDB_LOG", default='', help="Logger command string.") parser.add_argument("-ik_w", "--ikpdb-welcome", dest="IKPDB_SEND_WELCOME_MESSAGE", default=True, help="Send a Welcome 'start' message at client connection.") parser.add_argument("-ik_s", "--ikpdb-stop-at-entry", dest="IKPDB_STOP_AT_ENTRY", default=None, help="Break on debugged program first statement.") parser.add_argument("-ik_cwd", "--ikpdb-working-directory", dest="IKPDB_WORKING_DIRECTORY", default=None, help="Allows to force debugger's Current Working Directory (CWD)") parser.add_argument("-ik_ccwd", "--ikpdb-client-working-directory", dest="IKPDB_CLIENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY", default=None, help="Allows to force debugger's _client_ Current Working Directory. Useful " "for remote debugging.") parser.add_argument("script_command_args", metavar="scriptfile [args]", help="Debugged script followed by all his args.", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER) cmd_line_args = parser.parse_args() _logger.setup(cmd_line_args.IKPDB_LOG) # We modify sys.argv to reflect command line of # debugged script with all IKPdb args removed sys.argv = cmd_line_args.script_command_args _logger.g_info("IKPdb %s - Inouk Python Debugger for CPython 2.7", __version__) _logger.g_debug(" interpreter: '%s'", sys.executable) _logger.g_debug(" args: %s", cmd_line_args) _logger.g_debug(" starts debugging: '%s'", " ".join(sys.argv)) _logger.g_debug(" CWD: '%s'", os.getcwd()) if cmd_line_args.IKPDB_WORKING_DIRECTORY: _logger.g_debug(" Working Directory forced to: '%s'", cmd_line_args.IKPDB_WORKING_DIRECTORY) if cmd_line_args.IKPDB_CLIENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY: _logger.g_debug(" CLIENT Working Directory set to: '%s'", cmd_line_args.IKPDB_CLIENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY) if not sys.argv[0:]: print "Error: scriptfile argument is required" sys.exit(2) # By using argparse.REMAINDER, sys.argv reflects command line of # debugged script with all IKPdb args removed mainpyfile = sys.argv[0] # Get script filename _logger.g_debug(" mainpyfile = '%s'", mainpyfile) if not os.path.exists(mainpyfile): print 'Error:', mainpyfile, 'does not exist' sys.exit(1) # sets up signal handlers signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, signal_handler) # no longer required # del sys.argv[0] # Hide "" from argument list # Replace ikpdb's dir with script's dir in front of module search path. sys.path[0] = os.path.dirname(mainpyfile) # Note on saving/restoring sys.argv: it's a good idea when sys.argv was # modified by the script being debugged. It's a bad idea when it was # changed by the user from the command line. # Initialize IKPdb listen socket debug_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) debug_socket.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # debug_socket.bind((cmd_line_args.IKPDB_ADDRESS, cmd_line_args.IKPDB_PORT,)) _logger.g_info('IKPdb listening on %s:%s', cmd_line_args.IKPDB_ADDRESS, cmd_line_args.IKPDB_PORT) debug_socket.listen(1) # 1 connection max # Wait for a connection global client_connection client_connection, client_address = debug_socket.accept() _logger.g_info("Connected with %s:%s", client_address[0], client_address[1]) # TODO: Redirect sdtout and stderr to a cloud9 windows ?? # setup remote client connection global remote_client remote_client = IKPdbConnectionHandler(client_connection) global ikpdb ikpdb = IKPdb(stop_at_first_statement=cmd_line_args.IKPDB_STOP_AT_ENTRY, working_directory=cmd_line_args.IKPDB_WORKING_DIRECTORY, client_working_directory=cmd_line_args.IKPDB_CLIENT_WORKING_DIRECTORY) if cmd_line_args.IKPDB_SEND_WELCOME_MESSAGE: remote_client.send("start", info_messages=["Welcome to", "IKPdb", __version__]) # Launch debugging try: ikpdb.mainpyfile = mainpyfile run_script_event = threading.Event() debugger_thread = threading.Thread(target=ikpdb.command_loop, name='IKPdbCommandLoop', args=(run_script_event,)) debugger_thread.start() ikpdb.debugger_thread_ident = debugger_thread.ident run_script_event.wait() # Wait for client to run script ikpdb._runscript(mainpyfile) debugger_thread.join() remote_client.send('programEnd', result={'exit_code': None, 'executionStatus': 'terminated'}) _logger.g_info("Program terminated with no returned value.") # TODO: send this to the debuger gui sys.exit(0) except SystemExit: # In most cases SystemExit does not warrant a post-mortem session. exit_code = sys.exc_info()[1].code _logger.g_info("Program exited with exit code: %s.", exit_code) # Connection may have been closed try: remote_client.send('programEnd', result={'exit_code': exit_code, 'executionStatus': 'terminated'}) except: pass close_connection() sys.exit(exit_code) except SyntaxError: # Python detected a syntax error while running or launching program # to debug. traceback.print_exc() close_connection() sys.exit(1) # 1 = General error except: traceback.print_exc() _logger.g_info("Uncaught exception. Entering post mortem debugging") pm_traceback = sys.exc_info()[2] while pm_traceback.tb_next: pm_traceback = pm_traceback.tb_next ikpdb._line_tracer(pm_traceback.tb_frame, exc_info=sys.exc_info()) try: remote_client.send('programEnd', result={'exit_code': None, 'executionStatus': 'terminated'}) except: pass _logger.g_info("Post mortem debugger finished.") close_connection() debugger_thread.join() sys.exit(1)
# When invoked as main program, invoke the debugger on a script if __name__ == '__main__': import ikpdb ikpdb.main()